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Ministers of God and their people by Rev Fr Benjamin Anthony

Ministers of God and their Community by Rev Fr Benjamin Anthony. Today's readings is talking about the cost of being in Christ and responding to God's call to be a minister.  Reading which mostly emphasize you n the account of the grace to persevere on Making God's call a foundation of totally dependence on God no matter any rejection. According to the Gospel of Mark 6:4; that says that, " A prophet is respected everywhere except in his own town and by his relative and his family". And this typically runs on on the main team of today's readings. This very rejection started from Jesus Christ him self who is the root of all ministers. Jesus, the son of God passed many rejection and many insult, mostly in his home town. And to this we should not be surprise when things alike happen to us for it's part of the call. But note this; Jesus Christ could not perform miracles in his home town as he did to other towns, tribes and countries. For this, when king. Herod
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Let the word of God dwell in you by Raphael Arinze

 Let the word of God dwell in you. Edited by Raphael Arinze . I'm sharing this article to you to encourage you to keep faith in God as you journey in life. Life is not all that easy, in any way it's not ours; not our home. Many things have been occupied our minds in purpose of being worried how yesterday gives credits to us, how today is benefiting us, and how tomorrow will be to us. Is what we eat, wear, live in nor have extra to keep?  Our lives, sometimes, give us some certain question when we all desire better than what it present. So many times, we go here and there due to our lack of materialism. But, I want to tell you that life itself is an unmerited gift from God. He alone knows what and how tomorrow will be. He is the author, alpha and Omega. He is to be followed in any course of our lives. Focusing on God is the only way to solve this critics question that lives present to us. It may seem inconveniences but it is connatural. It is part of us so that we can fully admi

Listening Ears of the Laity to the Priest on the Pulpit

 Listening Ears of the Laity to the Priest on the Pulpit.  Edited by  Raphael Arinze Sometimes, I always ponder why those who are called Christians always behave like pegans; like unbelievers.  What is happening? And what could be the cause? When Christians are supposed to be the light to the whole, salts of the earth....., As Jesus Christ put it for us. Despite all the provisions and equipment, made available in a spiritual realm to keep us going, no matter any circumstances and derived demand to traits our minds back forward. Our live as Christians  don't align with the demands of a Christian call. Let us face it.  Christians are made to always represent Christ all places in everywhere as the case maybe.  Why do we often fail? when we always read the Bible and go to church as we practice.  The Spirit of God is always in us,  and for it to be active in our lives; God bestows His Spirit upon his Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ so that we can bost about the power of God in our lives. On

Summary of "BE A SAINT" by Rev. Fr. Lawrence ogundipe

Summary by Raphael Arinze. INTRODUCTION: Fr Lawrence ogundipe who belong to the Society of all Vocation "Vocationist" has portrayed in His Book named "BE A SAINT". And it is very good to light up our minds to the easy way in becoming Saint. The most important of this book is for us Christian and all nations, tribes, religions, race, cultures, color, etc - to be a saint. According to the early reader's comments:    "In a very simple but thoughtful manner, Fr Lawrence has brought to the fore the very essence of our Christian calling. Which is for us all to be SAINT. He has given us an encouragement not to be weary as Saint were once human being like us in all things. I have no doubt that this book will Surely be a Companion for all our journey to Sainthood."  Rev. Fr. Stephen Sobiye.      "You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working, and just so, you learn to l


True Priest from God with Rev fr Mark Omene  . "A PRIEST WHO STAND FOR CHRIST IS A TRUE PRIEST FROM GOD " "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life which I live in the flesh I live by Faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20   A call to follow Christ is not a Carmel on the desert; although the Carmel always succeed as some Christian also succeed to make Heaven. But, Carmel is an alternative the user uses. But, for Christians, it is the uses that must be used.     As we are bound to profess our faith as the soldiers of Jesus Christ, we must be ready to defend Christ at all costs. And these shows that the life we live is not ours but for Christ.  To live a life of Christ, your flesh is considered to suffer it, for the spirit of God in you will keep your spirits joyful.    The example of a true priest of God must be to be to win souls for God and also gain his own soul f

Always Remember God in Everything that you Do by Ugwueze Christian Ndubisi.

 Always Remember God in everything that you do by Ugwueze Christian Ndubisi. "A DAILY ADVICE BY MR. CHRISTIAN NDUBISI TO THE FAMILY"  In this life, we will face different challenges. Challenges that can even makes you to forget the existence of God, or even if you remember; you will have a doubting spirit. But know that God was never a man, and He cannot be a man. Suffering may present to you as if you are the worst sinner, but bear in your minds that clear conscience justify the cause of true liberty.     Mostly, every human aspiration is to have enough, but when something like that is lacking, it might appear to you as if you are not all that prayerful as you ought to be. Or it may seems that God have rejected you. Even when you commit yourself in constant prayer and nothing is coming out positively - unjustified questions will be raising from your mind. But we should look at Job in the Bible. He was a righteous man, but you know the whole story; the abundant of wealth, the

Process of Declaring A Person "Saint" by Rev Fr Lawrence ogundipe (SDV).

Process of  Declaring Person "Saint" by Rev Fr Lawrence ogundipe   The act, by which the church declares that a person who has died was a saint, is called Canonization it involved different processes requiring extension proof that the candidate for canonization lived and died in such an exemplary and holy way that he is worthy to be recognized as a saint. The Church's official recognition of sanctity implies that the person is now in Heaven and that he may be publicly invoked and mentioned officially in the liturgy of the Church, including in the Litany of the Saints.    This first step toward canonization begins with the title Servant of God (Latin: Servus Dei ): This process commence at the diocesan level. A bishop with jurisdiction, usually the bishop of the place where the candidate died or is buried, (although another ordinary can be given this authority) gives permission to open an investigation into the virtues of the individual in response to a petition of members