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Summary of "BE A SAINT" by Rev. Fr. Lawrence ogundipe

Summary by Raphael Arinze.


Fr Lawrence ogundipe who belong to the Society of all Vocation "Vocationist" has portrayed in His Book named "BE A SAINT". And it is very good to light up our minds to the easy way in becoming Saint. The most important of this book is for us Christian and all nations, tribes, religions, race, cultures, color, etc - to be a saint.

According to the early reader's comments:

   "In a very simple but thoughtful manner, Fr Lawrence has brought to the fore the very essence of our Christian calling. Which is for us all to be SAINT. He has given us an encouragement not to be weary as Saint were once human being like us in all things. I have no doubt that this book will Surely be a Companion for all our journey to Sainthood."  Rev. Fr. Stephen Sobiye. 

    "You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working, and just so, you learn to love by loving. All those who think to learn in any other way deceive themselves. "Hence, to be a saint you must live in the sacrificial love of God for others like Saints. This very words of Fr Lawrence in this timely and indepth religious re-awakening to a Saintly life. Blessed Justin Maria Rusolio (SDV). founder of the Vocationist Fathers and Brothers often invite visitors to "Become A Saint." Little wonder his spiritual son in this book has provided us with the possibly ways to becoming Saints."

    Now, Saints who are they?

Saint were human beings like us, they ate and drank, they were like us in all things including sin but they reconciled with God. 
   Saint are all those who are in heaven enjoying the presence of God. Only those who detach themselves from the possessions of this world will enter HEAVEN for eternity.
Heaven is for the poor alone! The Lord said to us many times: "Children, how heard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God!" (Mark 10, 24) Saints are those who followed Christ on the way of his cross, and it was by his his royal route that they entered Heaven! "Who are these, clothed in white robes, and whence have they come!" "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb." (Revelation 7, 13-14).  A words "SAINT" did not only meant for righteous ones who have died alone, but to all who have taken Jesus Christ as their personal Lords. The other name of Saint means "holy". And the only way to attain this holiness is by righteous living. Holiness is not made for other people special but to everyone who are ready for this ordeal.                                                                                            In the Catholic teaching, Saint are categorized into three parts. And these are:-                                                   Militant Saints - These  part of saints are Christian on earth, those living here on earth. Those struggling to be with Christ no matter any circumstances. No matter any trails, it means "striving ones for there is nothing good that comes easy.                                                 Suffering Saints:-  these are Christians in purgatory, their life here on earth was pleasing, but for some errors — they have to correct it their before entering the kingdom of God. For the bible said "that anything unholy shall not see the kingdom of God ".                                                           The Triumphant Saints:-   And, these are Christians in heaven. They live their life on earth to the quality of a Christian call. Inspite of everything; wether bad or good, they remain Faithful to God. And their, they are - enjoying the presence of God without no condition.... They are called "Christians in heaven". 


We need saints in every aspect of our lives and this is a call for a holy living. A holy living is not just always sugar in the morning, in the noon and night. Like Saint Augustine who tell us that; "our hearts are restless until they rest on the Lord. 
In life, we may face all kinds of temptation, rejection from friends, often times; our family may abandon us. Even our loved ones may desert us for the sake of Christ. But we should know that Christian life demands much in our journey to Sainthood. Our hope never dry as we place Jesus Christ in fore-head of our ministries. 
Jesus, who is our role models of Sainthood, passed all these, even greater ones , which none of us can experience until we die. But He, in suffering those things, comes out victoriously, to show us that our hope can never be in vain in following him. 
   "Assuming we are in Christ shoes and the cost for us to be with him eternally is that we must suffer all that he suffered; then who will be able to make this heaven we are talking about".

    Holiness, is for Christians who are striving to enter heaven while Saint is for those who have attended it as it was entitled. It is not just a word of lips but for actions . The grace is to be free from eternal damnation. 
The Gospel of Christ proclaimed every where is for us Christian to join in the company of Saints to praise God with no condition but for a resounding joy and immersed happiness which cannot be tempered by any one.

    The flag bearer of Christian is a call to be a Saint. You will receive the Gospel at no cost but the cost is how you apply it in your own life. The task is fair, clear, easy but, it is very powerful, it takes a brave heart to win this. And to win this, it must be in the purpose of commiting and obeying the law of God. The sources is, bringing good news to the poor, proclaiming and making the Gospel available were you are present, excluding your self from every appearance of evils and sins. And being happy to it needs and meditating on sadness to give reasons to glorify God. When we completely and correctly play a role of a saint, we will definitely "be a saint".


If a question is raised :- who wants to be a Saint? No hand will like to be down. 
Every one admires good things and a word "saint" is not a crook words than talking about its reality. This world is not ours, death await us all. Even as we are living here on earth, wether poor or rich, we are not safe if we fails to keep the commandments of God. Note, the safer place is heaven which the voice to be a saint calls. 
Our attribute to participate in different categories of organizations, society, vocations, etc is to keep us firm in order to join the company of saints in heaven. 
And remember that all this categories in different classes are not a certificate we will present but our good will. 

If you want to be a saint; "Be the Hand and the Feet of Jesus Christ as Fr Lawrence ogundipe tells us.

You can, and you will be. 

I wish you good luck.


  1. I'm glad to always find this test available on my desk. Thank God for the creation of this article.


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