Let the word of God dwell in you.
I'm sharing this article to you to encourage you to keep faith in God as you journey in life. Life is not all that easy, in any way it's not ours; not our home. Many things have been occupied our minds in purpose of being worried how yesterday gives credits to us, how today is benefiting us, and how tomorrow will be to us. Is what we eat, wear, live in nor have extra to keep?
Our lives, sometimes, give us some certain question when we all desire better than what it present. So many times, we go here and there due to our lack of materialism.
But, I want to tell you that life itself is an unmerited gift from God. He alone knows what and how tomorrow will be. He is the author, alpha and Omega. He is to be followed in any course of our lives.
Focusing on God is the only way to solve this critics question that lives present to us. It may seem inconveniences but it is connatural. It is part of us so that we can fully admire the Supremacy of our God in all round of our lives.
The joy is for us to abide by his words.
His words is so powerful; easy as the bible made us to know that, "for the word of God is quick, powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joint and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart " (He 4:12).
The most important thing is that His love will continue to remain upon every human race. All we need is repentance and self surrender to his will, his laws; which is word of eternal life.
In all things my people, the supposed personification in the unity of responding to the call to Live in God . His word is always clear, as St Augustine tells us that, "His response is clear". We must always Live by the Word of God in means of the sources that makes us to live.
Live by the Word of God, the word is simple. God wants us to obey Him, and to obey Him, we must follow all that he has promised us.
Don't all live a life of untruthful ness .
Be the example and rules out the other to go with the accompanied word of God.
Live and let Live.
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