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Seven Sorrows of Our Lady Blessed Virgin Mary.

 THE PROPHECY OF SIMEON; When Jesus was a baby, Mary and Joseph present him in the temple. There the wise Simeon said that Mary's soul would be pierced by suffering.

THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT; An angel of the Lord warned Joseph that king Herod was about to kill the child Jesus, so the holy family fled in night.

THE LOSS OF CHILD JESUS IN THE TEMPLE; When he was twelve, Jesus was again presented in the temple. This time he stay and spoke with the priest, but his mother and Joseph did not find him for three days.

MEETING JESUS ON THE WAY OF THE CROSS; Our Lady saw her dear Son, all beath torn, crowned with thorns and carrying a heavy Cross. 

THE DEATH OF JESUS ON THE CROSS; Mary would not leave his side, his suffering became her suffering.

RECEIVING THE BODY OF JESUS INTO HER ARMS; Jesus had come into the world to die for sinners, and now his mother held his dead body.

THE BURIAL OF THE BODY OF JESUS; Now the Son that Mary loved so much was dead and being buried in a tomb, how empty her life must have been.

Mary knew that she would have to suffer if she became the Mother of the messiah, but she agreed to it in any way. She joined her suffering to Jesus suffering for the sake of us sinners . Now, whenever we are sad or hurting, we can turn to our Blessed Mother who knows what it's like to suffer and she will help us.



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