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The "8"Types of Intelligence by Rev Fr Abu Evaristus


As of today, there are about 8 different types of intelligence known to mankind. Although various scholars have over the years proposed more, these 8 have so-far enjoyed a wide range of acceptance amongst notable psychologist as well as persons involved in human development.

  By the way, human development has to do with studies focused on making the best of every human potential in each person. Just as engineers never go to rest seeking to make, for instance, the automobile better, more advanced and more technologically driven; (compare the first car ever made to that which rolled out of the factory few minutes ago), so also, phycologists seek ways of "upgrading" the human person to operate at his/her optimum potential.

    Now, let us consider the 8 types of intelligence. Even though some are born naturally gifted in certain types of intelligence, the fact is that every one who seeks success in life or desires to make the best of their existence must consciously put every effort to develop and grow in each of these types of intelligence. One may be good in 7, for instance, but by performing very poorly in just one, he or she may have a more difficult time meeting goals or finding personal happiness. The goal of this article is to raise awareness to the existence of the various intelligence and need for the reader to examine themselves to find out areas they need to work on. The 8 types of intelligence are as follows: 

  1. Logical-Mathematical intelligence
  2. Linguistic intelligence
  3. Spatial intelligence
  4. Musical intelligence
  5. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
  6. Intrapersonal intelligence
  7. Naturalistic intelligence
     8.   interpersonal intelligence

A lot of what we learned in school centers on acquiring logical - mathematical skills. That is, how to analyze and solve problems, how to add 2 and 2 to discover 4. Every trader or business person, without even going to school, must possess some level of this intelligence to make profits.

        Without linguistic intelligence, neither I nor you would be able to make any sense of this write-up. You might not even know that it is a write-up not to mention being able to comprehend what you are seeing.

     To grasp the important of linguistic intelligence, imagine being given a contract agreement in Chinese to sign meanwhile, you have never had the chance of learning a single word in that language. Of course, it could be your death warrant you are asked to sign.

        Spatial intelligence is ability to make judgements based on what we see and size of objects around us. You need spatial intelligence to be able to drive a vehicle for instance. Truck drivers apply spatial intelligence in being able to move heavy loads around. Artists also have a good deal of spatial intelligence, hence they see with their mind's eye and are able to bring beauty to our world through their drawings, painting and other creative projects.

       Closely related with spatial intelligence is musical intelligence which is the ability to produce rhythm and sounds that are pleasing to the ear. A person with a high level of musical intelligence appreciates music, thinks in sounds and patterns and can easily tell which notes are being played while listening to any music. They are also very good with playing musical instruments and have no problem learning new instruments.

    Athletes, through their natural endowments coupled with years of training often display a good deal of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. They know how to move their bodies, the exact pressure to apply on each part and so on to achieve great results in sports. Think of world-class footballers, tennis players, golf-players, and so on. They have excellent physical coordination and they tend to remember by doing instead of by hearing or seeing.

    Intrapersonal intelligence is according to the famous phrase by Socrates, "knowing yourself." This form of intelligence has to do with introspection and self-reflection. It is understanding one's own strengths and being able to recognize one's own weaknesses. It is sensitivity to one's own inner feelings. A lot people do not know themselves. For lack of self-examination, they tend to either underestimate their potentials or overestimate their abilities which leads to poor decisions.

       Naturalistic intelligence is being able to see patterns and relationships to nature. Persons with a high degree of this intelligence have a deep and genuine appreciation for nature, they are interested in botany, biology, zoology, and so on. They enjoy outdoor activities which bring them closer to nature such as camping, gardening, hiking and so on.

   Of all the various types of intelligence, none is as ignored as interpersonal intelligence which is also known as EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. It is simply put, the ability to understand and relate to others, ability to create and sustain healthy relationships as well as solve conflicts that often arise in every relationship. After creating the human species, God remarked: "It is not good for the man to be alone." Yet, a lot of persons today think and act as though they don't need anyone else. They are not able to know when their actions or inactions bring pain or distress to others.

      Some persons take pleasure in seeing others suffer. They act as though life itself is a racing competition forgetting at each person has a unique purpose in creation. Joseph's brothers felt good when they sold him off to Egypt as a slave. Even if they were never reunited with Joseph, the evil of their actions would have hunted them for their rest of their lives. Brotherly love and fraternity can only exit when we learn to place ourselves in the shoes of the other person regardless of where we stand in relation with that person. The fact that someone means nothing to you today does not mean you are never going to need him or her tomorrow.

     Persons with a high level of interpersonal skills are always very kind, sensitive, easy to relate with, forgiving and peace-loving.

     Now, here comes a bonus intelligence: Financial intelligence. Put simply, this is the ability to create, manage and sustain one's finances. To be financially intelligent does not necessarily translate into having a lot of money but one who has money yet, lacks financial intelligence is most likely to end up in poverty. A lot of our problems are directly connected with finances such that getting the right financial education and applying the principles of financial management would contribute into living a very healthy and contented life. You may wondering why financial intelligence is not listed as the 9th intelligence. The fact is that anyone who gets the above 8right is probably already financially intelligent because each of the above 8 are directly connected with this. For instance, you cannot be very good in interpersonal skills and still be living in abject poverty. Such a probability is very rare.





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