Catechists are evangelizers who live from the celebration of the Eucharist and feel more vividly the passion to transmit the faith with the creativity and drive of the Holy Spirit. "The privileged place of catechesis is precisely the Eucharist celebration, where brothers and sisters come together to discover more and more the different ways of God's presence in our lives."
The Pope made the remark recently to some 80 delegates of the European Bishops' Conferences who are responsible for catechesis. They participated in a meeting on "Catechesis and Catechist for the New Evangelization", promoted by the Vatican Pontifical Council for the promotion of the New Evangelization.
Recalling the International Eucharistic Congress which he concluded recently in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, the Pope said that the commitment of Catechists can be greatly effective in the work of evangelization if they keep their gaze fixed on the Eucharistic mystery.
The Pope recalled how Jesus, who had arranged everything for the Passover, sent his disciples saying, "Go into the city". "Christians, preparing to celebrate the culmination of the mystery of faith, are invited to go first "into the city", to meet people busy with their daily commitments."
Catechists, The Holy Father said, is not an abstract communication of theoretical knowledge of formulas to be memorized, but is the mystagogical (mysteries of faith) experience of those who learn to meet their brothers and sisters where they live and work, because they themselves have met Christ, who has the called them to become missionary disciples. The Pope said the heart of catechesis is to stress that "the risen Jesus Christ loves you and never abandons you". "We should never tire of repeating this in various stages of the catechetical journey."
This is why, the Pope said, he instituted the ministry of catechist in Mary, for which the initiation rite is under preparation. Catechists, he said, are witnesses who lives from the celebration of the Eucharist and place themselves at the service of the Christian community, to support the depending of faith in the concreteness of daily life. They tirelessly proclaim the Gospel of mercy, create the necessary bonds of welcome and closeness to better appreciate the Word of God and to celebrate the Eucharist mystery by offering the fruits of good works.
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