"God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground" (Gen. 1:28).
Marriage has been said to be the oldest institution in the world established by God. It is said to be as old as humanity itself. God established it because he desires nothing less than complete happiness for 'man.' Therefore, with the coming together of a man and woman, a union that produces happiness and joy will be formed. In our time, more than ever, there is this effort to redefine the meaning of the union in marriage. This is a bid to concede to same sex and even multiple sexual unions.
Some countries are in favour of this redefinition of marriage. And about two countries have signed it into law that marriage also includes the union of a man with another man. They are of the opinion that the rights of those who have such orientation should be respected.
However, the One who instituted marriage made it a union of a man and woman. And other interpretation of the union of marriage is therefore, not in line with the mind of the author of the institution of marriage and cannot be called marriage. Only the union between a man and woman brings happiness and fulfills the order in which marriage was instituted.
Sad enough, not many marriages give happiness to the spouses in the union. And somethings, some spouses feel trapped in their marriage; they are not happy in the union and yet, they find it hard to get the way out. In most cases, women are the victims. No sooner they enter into marriage than they realize that they have not fully and truly prepared for the union.
Notwithstanding, it must be noted that there is no such thing as a perfect marriage. Every marriage encounters challenges. Such challenges do not naturally break the marriage; but depending on how one handles it, it may either strengthen their bond or push them apart. These marital Challenges are many. They include Infidelity on the part of both man and woman; Marital Infidelity; Domestic Violence; And Poverty.
A married couple may have one or more of this challenges. This does not point to the end of that union, nor does it mean that they cannot work through it and attain the happiness in marriage. Couples facing challenges can still put the pieces back together and have a blissful marriage.
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