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Let the word of God dwell in you by Raphael Arinze

 Let the word of God dwell in you. Edited by Raphael Arinze . I'm sharing this article to you to encourage you to keep faith in God as you journey in life. Life is not all that easy, in any way it's not ours; not our home. Many things have been occupied our minds in purpose of being worried how yesterday gives credits to us, how today is benefiting us, and how tomorrow will be to us. Is what we eat, wear, live in nor have extra to keep?  Our lives, sometimes, give us some certain question when we all desire better than what it present. So many times, we go here and there due to our lack of materialism. But, I want to tell you that life itself is an unmerited gift from God. He alone knows what and how tomorrow will be. He is the author, alpha and Omega. He is to be followed in any course of our lives. Focusing on God is the only way to solve this critics question that lives present to us. It may seem inconveniences but it is connatural. It is part of us so that we can fully adm...

Listening Ears of the Laity to the Priest on the Pulpit

 Listening Ears of the Laity to the Priest on the Pulpit.  Edited by  Raphael Arinze Sometimes, I always ponder why those who are called Christians always behave like pegans; like unbelievers.  What is happening? And what could be the cause? When Christians are supposed to be the light to the whole, salts of the earth....., As Jesus Christ put it for us. Despite all the provisions and equipment, made available in a spiritual realm to keep us going, no matter any circumstances and derived demand to traits our minds back forward. Our live as Christians  don't align with the demands of a Christian call. Let us face it.  Christians are made to always represent Christ all places in everywhere as the case maybe.  Why do we often fail? when we always read the Bible and go to church as we practice.  The Spirit of God is always in us,  and for it to be active in our lives; God bestows His Spirit upon his Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ so that we can bost ...

Summary of "BE A SAINT" by Rev. Fr. Lawrence ogundipe

Summary by Raphael Arinze. INTRODUCTION: Fr Lawrence ogundipe who belong to the Society of all Vocation "Vocationist" has portrayed in His Book named "BE A SAINT". And it is very good to light up our minds to the easy way in becoming Saint. The most important of this book is for us Christian and all nations, tribes, religions, race, cultures, color, etc - to be a saint. According to the early reader's comments:    "In a very simple but thoughtful manner, Fr Lawrence has brought to the fore the very essence of our Christian calling. Which is for us all to be SAINT. He has given us an encouragement not to be weary as Saint were once human being like us in all things. I have no doubt that this book will Surely be a Companion for all our journey to Sainthood."  Rev. Fr. Stephen Sobiye.      "You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working, and just so, you learn to l...


True Priest from God with Rev fr Mark Omene  . "A PRIEST WHO STAND FOR CHRIST IS A TRUE PRIEST FROM GOD " "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life which I live in the flesh I live by Faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20   A call to follow Christ is not a Carmel on the desert; although the Carmel always succeed as some Christian also succeed to make Heaven. But, Carmel is an alternative the user uses. But, for Christians, it is the uses that must be used.     As we are bound to profess our faith as the soldiers of Jesus Christ, we must be ready to defend Christ at all costs. And these shows that the life we live is not ours but for Christ.  To live a life of Christ, your flesh is considered to suffer it, for the spirit of God in you will keep your spirits joyful.    The example of a true priest of God must be to be to win souls for God and also ...

Always Remember God in Everything that you Do by Ugwueze Christian Ndubisi.

 Always Remember God in everything that you do by Ugwueze Christian Ndubisi. "A DAILY ADVICE BY MR. CHRISTIAN NDUBISI TO THE FAMILY"  In this life, we will face different challenges. Challenges that can even makes you to forget the existence of God, or even if you remember; you will have a doubting spirit. But know that God was never a man, and He cannot be a man. Suffering may present to you as if you are the worst sinner, but bear in your minds that clear conscience justify the cause of true liberty.     Mostly, every human aspiration is to have enough, but when something like that is lacking, it might appear to you as if you are not all that prayerful as you ought to be. Or it may seems that God have rejected you. Even when you commit yourself in constant prayer and nothing is coming out positively - unjustified questions will be raising from your mind. But we should look at Job in the Bible. He was a righteous man, but you know the whole story; the abundant ...

Process of Declaring A Person "Saint" by Rev Fr Lawrence ogundipe (SDV).

Process of  Declaring Person "Saint" by Rev Fr Lawrence ogundipe   The act, by which the church declares that a person who has died was a saint, is called Canonization it involved different processes requiring extension proof that the candidate for canonization lived and died in such an exemplary and holy way that he is worthy to be recognized as a saint. The Church's official recognition of sanctity implies that the person is now in Heaven and that he may be publicly invoked and mentioned officially in the liturgy of the Church, including in the Litany of the Saints.    This first step toward canonization begins with the title Servant of God (Latin: Servus Dei ): This process commence at the diocesan level. A bishop with jurisdiction, usually the bishop of the place where the candidate died or is buried, (although another ordinary can be given this authority) gives permission to open an investigation into the virtues of the individual in response to a petition of me...

The Eucharistic Praises "The Sequence"

Zion , praise your Saviour. Praise your leader and shepherd in hymns and canticles. Praise him as much as you can, for he is beyond all praising and you will never be able to praise him as he merits. But today a theme worthy of particular praise is put before us - the living and life given bread that, without any doubt, was given to the Twelve at table during the Holy supper. Therefore, let our praise be full and resounding and our soul's rejoicing full of delight and beauty, for this is the festival day to commemorate the first institution of this table. At this table of the new King. The new law's Pasch puts an end to the Old Pasch.  The new displaces the old, reality the shadow and light the darkness. Christ wanted what he did at the supper to be repeated in his memory. And so we, in accordance with his holy directions consecrate bread and wine to be salvation's Victims. Christ's followers know by faith that bread is changed into his flesh and wine into his blood. Ma...

Marital Challenges in our Time

"God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground" (Gen. 1:28).      Marriage has been said to be the oldest institution in the world established by God. It is said to be as old as humanity itself. God established it because he desires nothing less than complete happiness for 'man.' Therefore, with the coming together of a man and woman, a union that produces happiness and joy will be formed. In our time, more than ever, there is this effort to redefine the meaning of the union in marriage. This is a bid to concede to same sex and even multiple sexual unions.      Some countries are in favour of this redefinition of marriage. And about two countries have signed it into law that marriage also includes the union of a man with another man. They are of the opinion that the rights of those who have su...

Why do Catholics seek the Intercession of the Saints? by Rev Fr Emmanuel Ayeni

  WHO ARE SAINTS? The word "saint" simply means "holy one". Hence, saints are those made holy not by their own merit but by the grace of almighty God with whom all things are possible (Matt. 19:26). Writing to the Colossians (1:2-12), St. Paul exhorts that all Christians are "Saints" by virtue of their baptism: "To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ at Colossae: We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love which you have for all the saints.... May you be strengthened with all power, according to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in lights".    The implication of the above is that holiness or sainthood is simply our common Christian vocation. This makes it true to say that there are saints on earth (Col. 1:12) and saints in heaven ("in light") (Col. 1:12). However, it is more appropriate to refe...

The "95" Theses of Martin Luther (October 31, 1517)

In love, REVEREND FATHER MARTIN LUTHER present this article to all Christian, to know and understand the meaning of love, repentance, and total submission to the will of God. So that everyone will understand the purpose of confession and the radical love for humanity - for God calling us all to Himself with mercy and compassion. The 95 Theses When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, ``Repent'' (Mt 4:17), he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance. This word cannot be understood as referring to the sacrament of penance, that is, confession and satisfaction, as administered by the clergy. Yet it does not mean solely inner repentance; such inner repentance is worthless unless it produces various outward mortification of the flesh. The penalty of sin remains as long as the hatred of self (that is, true inner repentance), namely till our entrance into the kingdom of heaven. The pope neither desires nor is able to remit any penalties except those imposed by his...

The Sacredness of Marriage by Bishop Alfred Adewale Martins

 The sacredness of Marriage by Bishop Alfred Martin . Marriage is an institution for human beings but with a divine origin. Since it originated in the divine, it is no more simply a human institution whose purpose and meaning depend on purely human mores and collective decisions. Marriage is therefore a uniquely special bond between a man and  woman; created by God Himself and as such sacred.  The account of God's institution of marriage in Genesis 2:18.24, underlies it's sacredness and so compels man to treat is as such. Scripture says: And the Lord God said, 'It is not right that the man should be alone. I shall make him a helper. This is why a man leaves his father and mother and becomes attached to his wife, and they become one flesh'.  This sacredness of marriage though tainted by man's fall, was restored by Christ to the original purity of its divine institution through his loving, redemptive sacrifice and accordingly entrusted all its discipline and care to h...

The "8"Types of Intelligence by Rev Fr Abu Evaristus

  As of today, there are about 8 different types of intelligence known to mankind. Although various scholars have over the years proposed more, these 8 have so-far enjoyed a wide range of acceptance amongst notable psychologist as well as persons involved in human development.   By the way, human development has to do with studies focused on making the best of every human potential in each person. Just as engineers never go to rest seeking to make, for instance, the automobile better, more advanced and more technologically driven; (compare the first car ever made to that which rolled out of the factory few minutes ago), so also, phycologists seek ways of "upgrading" the human person to operate at his/her optimum potential.     Now, let us consider the 8 types of intelligence. Even though some are born naturally gifted in certain types of intelligence, the fact is that every one who seeks success in life or desires to make the best of their existence must consciously ...

Saints do not come from a Parallel Universe by Pope Francis

  What does it look like to be a Catholic saint today? A Vatican conference, which took place in Rome has discussed. Saints are not disconnected from the realities of daily life, but faithfully live the Gospel to the fullest within the communities in which they find themselves.         "Saints do not come from a 'parallel universe,' but are believers who belong to God's faithful people and are firmly grounded in a daily existence made up of family ties, study, and work, social, economic, and political life," said by Pope Francis in the Apostolic palace. "In all these settings, the saints strive constantly, without fear or hesitation, to carry out God's will."  Blessed Carlo Acutis, is an example who died as a high school student in 2006, as "a model of Christian joy for teenagers and yong people."  Holiness "is not primarily a matter of struggle and renunciation." "First and foremost, it is the realization that we are loved b...

Social Capital by Raphael Arinze

 Social Capital: (Raphael Arinze) There is Something in life called "Social Capital." The people you know; the people who know you. Quick unfortunately, people think or behave like social capital is only needed on weddings and burials. That is why you see someone will not have contacted you in ten years but out of the blue they are sending you messages, Hello, so and so, long time. Between next Sunday and my pre-wedding. I need your support."!      Social Capital is not built overnight; it is reciprocal and does not need money (especially in this virtually connected world) to built. It just needs been sensitive that people have emotions and that you can't sneak into their lives only when you need help.      Social Capital is massively important and when built and used correctly, it can make a very big difference to one's quality of life. It can save you money, make you money, get you a better job, make things easier and safer, it can save you...

Nest Mentality in Church Leads to Judgement and Exclusion by Pope Francis.

  Christian must be on guard and avoid the temptation of thinking themselves better than others, an attitude that risks running the church into a place of "separation and not communion." "Let us ask for the grace to overcome the temptation to judge and to categorize." "And may God preserve us from the 'nest' mentality, that of jealously guarding ourselves in the small group of those who consider themselves good: the priest with his loyal followers, the pastoral workers closed in among themselves so that no one can infiltrate, the movements and associations in their own particular charism, and so on."  With the reflection of Pope Francis on the Sunday Gospel readings in the apostle John complained to Jesus about someone who drove out demons in Jesus' name but was not among his followers.      "Don't prevent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill  of me," Jesus said. The discipl...

Catechists are Evangelizers Who Transmit the Eucharist they Live - Pope Francis.

  Catechists are evangelizers who live from the celebration of the Eucharist and feel more vividly the passion to transmit the faith with the creativity and drive of the Holy Spirit. "The privileged place of catechesis is precisely the Eucharist celebration, where brothers and sisters come together to discover more and more the different ways of God's presence in our lives." The Pope made the remark recently to some 80 delegates of the European Bishops' Conferences who are responsible for catechesis. They participated in a meeting on "Catechesis and Catechist for the New Evangelization", promoted by the Vatican Pontifical Council for the promotion of the New Evangelization.      Recalling the International Eucharistic Congress which he concluded recently in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, the Pope said that the commitment of Catechists can be greatly effective in the work of evangelization if they keep their gaze fixed on the Eucharistic mystery.     ...